One moment in time lyric - Whitney Houston
Each day I live
I want to be
A day to give
The best of me
I'm only one
But not alone
My finest day
Is yet unknown
I broke my heart
For every gain
To taste the sweet
I face the pain
I rise and fall
Yet through it all
This much remains
I want one moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will feel
I will feel eternity
I've lived to be the very best
I want it all
No time for less
I've laid the plans
Now lay the chance
Here in my hands
Give me one moment in time
when I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dream are a heartbeat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will feel
I will feel eternity
You're a winner
For a lifetime
If you seize that one moment in time
Make it shine
Give me one moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will be
I will be
I will be free
Oh I will be
I will be free
p/s : teringat lagu ni masa nak fight RM100,000 sales a month dulu!
Mula-mula tak berapa percaya boleh buat sales 6 angka dalam team,
I dont have experience berniaga.
I dont have skill nak buka pasaran.
I dont know nak bercakap depan orang.
Muka serius. susah nak senyum..
Basically.. Niza memang jenis yang pasif.
but one thing.. as long u determine nak ubah life.. nak dapat income 5 figure...
segala yang Niza listed kat atas tu cuma ALASAN jer..
From there..
wujud satu semangat nak achieve jugak.. no matter what happen..
Yesss ! at last.. Alhamdulillah Dapat !!!
after a few months ber biznes
tickets ke Korea with biz partners
Naik pentas sebagai Diamond
With biz moghul CDM Hanis Haizi
You and me..its a dream .. its a Possibilities ;)
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